Sunday 28 September 2008

An Introduction... me, to this, to us.

Behind this blog sit two individuals whose tastes might best be described as "kinky". We're grown up enough (average age 45!) to know what we like and to know that hypnosis, control and transformation are a large part of that.

I hypnotise. The girl is far from being my first "victim" - but as we live together, and have done so for many years now, she is the principal focus for my evil imagination when it comes to hypnosis and transformation.

Having said that, we don't bite. We're actually quite friendly: and if you would like to engage us in chat, we will respond. Those with whom we get on have even been known to drop by and partake of our hospitality - whilst a few, for whom the "chemistry" turns out to be right have volunteered to be subjects in our ongoing experimentation.

Hopefully, this blog will continue and we won't be side-tracked too much by events in the rest of the world.

If it does, then come back from time to time and read about the highs and lows of transformation: how girl has become, variously, puppy, statue, part of the furniture and mannequin; how she has lost her voice and occasionally her memory for specific things and events. All good fun - even if, in puppy state, her over-enthusaistic gambolling sometimes results in carpet burns to her knees.

If she's good, I may even let her post from time to time.

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